Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I can relate: Dad's First Bedtime

Tonight will be Zack's first official time putting Greyson to bed on his own. Including bath time and teeth brushing and lotioning and reading books. Greyson is almost 21 months old and yes, I was an over protective mother and yes, even with my own husband. I didn't want anyone to touch my baby. I'm proud to say I've relaxed some now though I admit it's been mostly out of necessity. But I'm happy that I've had to do it because it really is nice to have help and I know that with Charli's impending arrival I'm going to need it more. And I think (and am hoping and praying) that I won't be as mama-bear-crazy-don't-touch-my-baby with this one, because I know babies are resilient and more than likely they will be just fine with someone else for a few.
Anyway, this is a quick post to say that I will have a report on how things go tonight for tomorrow. I'll try to sneak in a few pictures though pictures of my husband are difficult to catch :)

1 comment:

  1. One of the best pieces of advice that I ever got was to let him do it his way sometimes. If you hover and micro-manage they will quit trying! It is hard to let go, but starting with baby steps is well worth the effort. Hope it went well!


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